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Time For You - Crystals & More!

Quantum Quattro Generator

Quantum Quattro Generator

Regular price $16.20 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.20 USD
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This crystal is a combination of Chrysocolla, Malachite, Shattuckite and Smoky Quartz. Quantum Quattro helps with communication and brings in emotional strength in times of stress. Quantum Quattro is a crystal that will go to the root of your challenges to bring in healing.

What is the significance of the generator?

Generators help to keep the vibration of energy high & raise energy from the earth to the sky. They gather energy at the base and direct the energy to the top. This creates a vortex of energy that flows skyward as well as channels energy from above to below. This crystal shape is great for gridding, as it directs energy upward to the universe and keeps the highest vibration.


Height: ~2.75"

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